What are your greatest challenges with your chronic pain and illness?
To help me help you, I’ve created this short survey for our community. Voice your opinions, be heard, and help make a difference to your life, and for those who share the same challenges of living in pain.
Do you have a few moments to help me help you?
I would love it if you would let me know what you are struggling with most. This survey is your chance to share what you think, good and bad, as well as influence future posts. In answering a few questions and comments, I’ll be able to tailor the posts, freebies, and other content according to what you would benefit from the most.
It’s designed to be as short as possible but even a few answers would help, so stop if you are exceeding your pacing limits or spending more than a single spoon. I’m also working on an ebook that I hope will benefit you all, on a donation basis, as I know all too well how chronic pain affects our finances. So your answers would greatly assist with the info included in that.
♥ Thank you, I truly appreciate your help, support, & spoon ♥
Feel free to share this survey with others you know in pain to help others in pain. Your time and spoons are greatly appreciated.
You can also sign-up to the Princess Post and receive a free Flare-Up Toolkit here:
[avatar user=”jomalby” size=”thumbnail” link=”www.princessinthetower.org” target=”_blank”] Gentle hugs x[/avatar]
I live with Trigeminal nerve damage and occipital nerve damage to the right side of my face. I’m in constant pain and there is no cure.
I hope you find support in these pages Kandy. Look at the CRPS posts/page as Trigeminal neuralgia and CRPS both present with [that eeevil] neuropathic pain. Wishing you far better days. Gentle hugs ♥ x
So sorry you are having a tough time. It is hard to get the pacing just right. So much to do… so few spoons. Take care of yourself like you would if you were caring for someone who had your same symptoms. Love your blog, one of my very favorites.
Aww thank you so much Kimberley, so sweet of you to say, and so happy that you love the site! Truly makes it worth each, and every spoon. Certainly overdone things but hoping it’s business as usual, or rather, love, compassion, and support as usual, very soon. 🙂 Gentlest hugs ❥ x
I am in the midst of a wicked pain flare….I found your site and LOVE the gentle wisdom you share! Thank you! Despite living with severe chronic pain for decades, I have strategies I use but really loved the notion of creating a TOOL KIT to pull out when I am in such desperate straits suffering deeply and find the gem of wisdom with just a pull from an item inside….I am aware that despite living with pain flares for so long, they do NOT fail to surprise me….so the kit is a GREAT idea. Thank you for sharing such an important gift in the form of a website. Peace to you, Tess