When our lives have been so devastatingly altered by chronic pain and illness, with not a single facet untouched, the support we receive from friends and family becomes all the more essential. But one … [Read More...]

The Isolating Loneliness of Chronic Pain & Invisible Illness
Chronic pain and invisible illness can be incredibly isolating, sometimes in obvious ways but other times, it's far more insidious or subtle. Just as our pain and symptoms are mostly invisible, we too … [Read More...]

But You Look Good: Living with Disbelief of Invisible Illness and Pain
Each time we are told that we 'look good' or 'look well' by people who have little concept of even the lengths we have gone to just to connect with them at all, it carries with it an additional pain … [Read More...]

10 Ways to Reduce and Manage Brain Fog
Brain fog or fibro fog can be one of many frustrating aspects of living with severe pain and chronic illness, frequently an embarrassing symptom too. From fibromyalgia to CRPS to a whole catalogue of … [Read More...]

How to Manage and Treat Complex Regional Pain Syndrome for CRPS Awareness Month
There are so many of us living in the constant pain of CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), which sits at the very pinnacle of the McGill Pain Index. There is no way to describe it, I know that I … [Read More...]

This is What Chronic Pain Sufferers Want You to Know
Elated that this post was published on The Mighty: What to Know to Understand the Experience of Having Chronic Pain, which if you're yet to follow, is both a font of information and a reassuring … [Read More...]

How to Cope When Chronic Pain Creates Anxiety—With Tools to Calm & Soothe
A toolkit of ways to calm and quell anxiety when you live in chronic pain When you have chronic pain it's natural to feel anxious, especially when that pain is severe, unpredictable, and as a … [Read More...]

When Life Stops—Finding Hope & Purpose In Spite of Chronic Pain
Life can shrink so swiftly in the face of chronic pain and illness. While trying to manage and cope with all the challenges, perplexing symptoms, unpredictable limitations, and exhausting … [Read More...]

Saying Sorry for Chronic Pain [& a Brief Blog Hiatus]
“I’m not angry, either. I should be, but I’m not. I just feel pain. A lot of pain. I thought I could imagine how much this would hurt, but I was wrong.” ― Haruki Murakami You may have noticed … [Read More...]

When Pain Makes Normal Exercise Impossible—With a Gentle Passive Alternative
Whenever a chronic pain patient reads that they must exercise — and through that pain — it's not only difficult, and of course painful but we can so easily overdo it, which then leads to a painful … [Read More...]

Pain-Relief and Coping Techniques for Severe Pain
Relaxing your body and calming your mind always helps decrease and help you cope with your pain, whether you're flared-up or in need of ongoing pain management techniques. These range from those that … [Read More...]

A Letter to Those Who Do Not Have CRPS/RSD
For those of you who have CRPS/RSD share this article to help your loved ones understand. For help for carers visit the How to Help a Patient page. For "A Letter to Normals" written by a … [Read More...]

How to Cope with Flare-Ups & Setbacks of Chronic Pain—with Tools to Help You Recover
A guide to coping with flare-ups, setbacks & extended flares of chronic pain—with tools to help you manage, recover & cope. Finding ways to live with chronic pain — even though so much is … [Read More...]

How to Use Pain Psychology Techniques to Reduce Anxiety, Depression, Anger and Guilt
People suffering with chronic pain and illness can naturally spend a lot of time thinking about how their pain is affecting their lives, every single part of their lives. Pain can make you feel like … [Read More...]

Why it’s So Vital to Do What You Love When You Have Chronic Pain
When you live in pain you already have to deal with so much disappointment and heartache, doing what you love should become priority. Yet so frequently, and often understandably, those with chronic … [Read More...]

How to Cope and Heal Depression When You Have Chronic Pain and illness
Nothing can affect us so deeply as our emotions. When those emotions become dark and us isolated in both pain and depression, it can seem impossible to find our way out of the darkness. Depression … [Read More...]

2-Minute Healing Technique To Relax Your Nervous System & Calm Pain
In this humble offering before the next longer post, I wanted to share this simple but calming tool to soothe your nervous system. It's especially useful if feelings of stress, fear, or anxiety are … [Read More...]

How to Help a Loved-One with Severe Chronic Pain
In complicated pain conditions there are two kinds of pain: bearable and unbearable. Most of the time it is the latter. This can be incredibly hard for loved one to comprehend. There are no breaks or … [Read More...]