“The problem with so many people who live in my world of #chronicillness is that we never fake being ill—but we’re masters at faking being well. I think it makes people uncomfortable if I’m honest about how I’m feeling.” #ChronicPain
To Those Who Find My Illness 'Hard to Understand' When They See Me Smiling
A response to those who don't understand how she can be smiling and "fine" while also being sick.
“I try my best to do what I can and not become consumed by thoughts of what I cannot. Every day, I try to find joy in small pleasures that bring me comfort. And I do sometimes have great moments, beautiful days even—but still—I’m in pain.” @serenebutterfly
Reliving Heartbreak: Life With A Chronic Illness
"The true heartbreak of living with chronic illness is being forced to relive the worst moments of it over and ...
“#ChronicPain is not something you get used to… you get used to the fact that you’re always in pain but it doesn’t dull any of it… It takes a massive toll on your body and isn’t something that gets easier the longer you have it, it gets more exhausting.”
27 Things Chronic Pain Is Not
The Mighty community shares what chronic pain is NOT to bust some of the most common misconceptions.
“I’m so used to being in pain that my bareable pain level is most likely off the charts for someone with a ‘normal’ functioning body… #CRPS is such a debilitating illness… hope is really all we have.” @LauraSpoonie #RareDisease #ChronicPain
#CRPSAwareness – Burn Baby BURN 🔥
Hey my Lovelies, November is CRPS Awareness Month & the first Monday of November is dedicated to raising awareness...
“Not wanting to shower because, 1) it’s too painful 2) it takes too much energy, and 3) it’s hard, functionality wise [leading to painful payback].” 'Embarrassing' Parts of Flares You're Not the Only One Experiencing #chronicillness #chronicpain #spoonie
18 'Embarrassing' Parts of Flare-Ups You're Not the Only One Experiencing
Living with a chronic illness can involve many unpleasant and frustrating symptoms. We need to start talking about ...
“Know your energy envelope… Ensure your break is factored in—rest is vital for good #pacing… Micro task—break it right down. If you are working on a 5 min work—20 min rest ratio now, honor that. We want to leave the boom-bust cycle behind.” #ChronicPain
The Best Way to Plan Your Day Using Pacing Principles - Going My Own Pace
I share how to plan your day using pacing principles. In doing so you will both manage the energy and pain levels you have well and perhaps increase
“#ChronicPain can disrupt sleep, which in turn, exacerbates the pain, creating a distressing cycle. This disruption heightens #anxiety, reduces pain tolerance, and diminishes emotional resilience, making day-to-day coping a challenge.” #MentalHealthMatters
How Chronic Pain and Mental Health Feed Each Other
"Chronic pain and emotional well-being are not merely intersecting factors, but rather forces that are in a perpetual state of push and pull."
“When people do not understand the state I’m in, it makes me feel even worse during a #flareup. So… I accept it and know that it’s temporary. It will pass… I allow myself to rest and retreat, and surround myself with comforting resources.” @AChVoice #cpp
I May Be Chronically Ill, But I'm Also Chronically Resilient
The 3Rs of ‘Resilience’: Regenerate when faced with setbacks, stay Robust on challenging days, and Radiate on the good days.
“When we live with #pain and symptoms 24/7, if we lived our lives reacting to it by constantly screaming… we would wear ourselves out even further and cause even more physical #stress… more pain… We have to find some way of living with #chronicillness.”
7 Things I Want Family to Know About Chronic Pain This Holiday Season
A woman living with complex regional pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, degenerative disk disease and other chronic illnesses ...
“People living with #chronicillness or pain cite uncertainty as one of the most difficult challenges… Not knowing when symptoms may flare, if a condition will worsen, or whether treatment will work, takes an emotional toll.” #ChronicPain
Chronic Illness and Uncertainty
Why uncertainty is so challenging and strategic ways to address it.
“There’s no such thing as doing anything “small” when you have a chronic condition; it’s all a big deal… I stay silent not only because it’s hard to ask for help…but because I don’t want to burden anyone.” #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability
When I Hide My Chronic Pain but Wish Others Understood My Struggles
A woman with chronic pain explains how she doesn't tell others how she's feeling, but expects them to understand anyway.
“You don't always have to pretend to be strong, there is no need to prove all the time that everything is going well, you shouldn't be concerned about what other people are thinking. Cry if you need to, it's good to cry out all your tears…” ~ Paulo Coelho
“For me, acceptance is acknowledging my disabling #RareDisease is “what it is”… It doesn’t mean I don’t miss things I’ve always loved but can no longer do… It doesn’t mean there are not days when I feel the loss of my loves deeply.” @My_medmusings #grief
February is the Month of Love….and Love Can Take Many Forms
You would be forgiven for thinking this is a Valentine’s Day post given the title I’ve chosen. It is about love but with a twist.
“More often than not, I believe I am a failure. But I’m not—and neither are you. I can’t help the disease… I can’t help the hypersensitive nerves that cause me excruciating #pain…but I can help myself realize that I am worth loving.” #chronicillness #cpp
When My Chronic Illnesses Make Me Feel Like It's Always My Fault
A woman with several chronic illnesses gets depressed when people walk out of her life, and blames herself. Until now.
“Living with #chronicpain means pain #patients develop an incredibly high tolerance for pain. Pain is not weakness. Pain means toughing it out day after day when you are feeling at your absolute worst.” https://buff.ly/3CLKFzo @globetrotteri #chronicallyill
“People dealing with #chronicillness display courage in the face of fear and the uncertainty that is a constant part of their life. They retain #compassion—and smile through the #pain—to help put everyone at ease, even when they are imploding inside.”
To the Person With a Chronic Illness Who Feels Like a Burden
Woman with chronic illness writes letter to others who are sick or dealing with a diagnosis and may feel like a burden to their friends and family.
“When you live with #ChronicPain and are in a flare you have no choice but to rest and if you don’t you will be paying for it later with even more pain… Resting is not laziness and it’s a form of #SelfCare.” @sarahlynn358 #ChronicIllness 
Lessons I Have Learned From Living With Pain
If You Liked This Post, Please Subscribe For Weekly Updates If you weren’t already aware, September is Chronic P...
“I spent days and weeks bedridden due to crushing #chronicpain flare-ups… People who don’t have #fibromyalgia or another #chronicillness often don’t get that chronic pain is an ongoing struggle. If my body tells me not to do something, I better listen.”
5 Things People Say That Diminish Chronic Pain
Tessa Koller shares ignorant comments she hears that minimize the impact of fibromyalgia and chronic pain.
“Dismissal involves belittling one’s #chronicillness experience… “It’s not that bad” “Look on the bright side” tell us to shrink our illness into more appealing packaging. Portrayals of #chronicallyill ppl—dismiss the difficulties of living with illness.”
Communication and Chronic Illness
Communication about chronic illness matters. Learn how to recognize and respond to harmful communications.
“In the #spoonie community…many patients get an appointment with a “specialist.” They’ve been searching desperately for answers and doctors who can help; many after years of struggling. So they get their hopes up only to have their time and money wasted.”
The 2 Types of Doctors You Need to Know About If You Have a Rare Condition
ThIf you have a rare condition, you need to know about these two types of doctors. Here's why.
“With #ChronicPain wearing the facade helps… If we spend all our time focusing on our pain, talking about our pain, thinking about the pain… our life will be about the pain… It creates a heavy weight… with #depression—we’re fighting twice the battle.”
Masking Chronic Pain
“Nobody chooses #chronicillness… So, before judging, remember that they may have done everything right, but illness is unpredictable, unfair and unforgiving. The fact you see [them] out at all is a testament to their efforts to live, despite the #pain.”
No, My Chronic Illness Couldn't Have Been Prevented With a 'Healthier' Lifestyle
A woman with adrenal insufficiency and growth hormone deficiency explains that her illness and weight gain are not her fault.
“In order to emphasise with someone’s experience, you must be willing to believe them as you see it, and not how you imagine their experience to be.” ~ Brene Brown
#ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #MentalHealthMatters