When you have chronic pain, it's natural to struggle with unhelpful & repetitive thinking. Move from a place of struggle & sadness to one of coping with these tools & tips. When our … [Read more...]
Nutritional Reasons that May Be Making Depression Worse [and Your Pain too]
What you eat has a direct impact on the way you feel but when we feel utterly awful, our pain fervent too, preparing and even eating the right foods can bring its own challenges. The Herculean effort … [Read more...]
How to Cope When Chronic Pain Affects Friends, Family & Social Life
When our lives have been so devastatingly altered by chronic pain and illness, with not a single facet untouched, the support we receive from friends and family becomes all the more essential. But one … [Read more...]
Reduce Pain by Breathing into the Body with the Body-Scan
A wonderful technique for everyone who lives in pain to know is the body-scan. I wanted to share this practice in the hope it helps you too, as having now been using the following, adapted … [Read more...]
Pain-Relief and Coping Techniques for Severe Pain
Relaxing your body and calming your mind always helps decrease and help you cope with your pain, whether you're flared-up or in need of ongoing pain management techniques. These range from those that … [Read more...]
3 Natural Ways to Reduce and Manage Your Pain
Stretching Stretching can benefit almost everyone but it is particularly important for pain patients. It is gentle (or must be done gently) and even if you have a lot of deconditioning, is a perfect … [Read more...]